Visual programming

Visual programming

This software allows operators to simply program the MELFA ASISSTA collaborative robot with an intuitive flow-chart programming interface. Operating and programming have never been easier with the digital 3D environment.

Intuitive Interface

Build your programs with simple blocks by drag-and-drop them and set only parameter for the functions. This means the robots operation is made up of a chain of icons that clearly show how the robot will operate. Robot programming knowledge is not needed to get the MELFA ASSISTA working.

Simulation functions

Simulation of the operation of the MELFA ASISSTA without robot hardware being installed is possible. Operators can verify how the robot react without any risk. New programs can be tested before they are deployed to the robot.

Easy set-up of peripherals

Set-up wizards provide an easier more intuitive methodology for peripherals configurations. Grippers and vision sensors can be easily configured without the need to use any additional software tool. The vision camera focus adjustment and work registration can be configured simply by using RT VisualBox.


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